Palace Hotel: Write a review

Wait! Stop! Very important!

We don't want to know if you love the place or hate the place, we want to know what the place is LIKE.

Pretend you're describing it to your friends; how it feels like to visit. Is it large, cosy, dim, or bright? What is the clientele like - young, old, suits or chilled out locals? Are people chatty, reserved, lounging around, or crowding around the bar? What makes the venue unique and different to everywhere else?

Only send us a review if you understand what makes the venue tick.

We won't publish reviews that are critical or nasty. No venue deserves outright criticism. Every venue appeals to different people. How would you like it if we slammed your favourite venue because we didn't like it?

Note: No dining reviews - we're not a restaurant website.

Note: No owner reviews - we can spot them a mile away and they will be binned. We recommend instead that you contact us using the link at the bottom of the page, so we can adjust any inaccuracies in your listing.


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